Stimulants can be classified as natural, refined, or synthetic and can be either legal or illegal. These drugs have the ability to increase alertness, physical energy, and influence brain chemicals, ultimately leading to feelings of excitement and euphoria. They stimulate the central nervous system. Medicinal stimulants, such as amphetamines and methylphenidate, are commonly prescribed to individuals, including both children and adults, who have been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Depressants, also known as sedative/hypnotic drugs, are substances that slow down brain activity. Some examples of depressants include barbiturates and benzodiazepines. While alcohol is also a depressant, it is not used for medicinal purposes. Benzodiazepines are typically used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders, while barbiturates are used for seizures and as an anesthetic during surgery. But why are these prescription stimulants so frequently abused? According to research conducted by the S. National Library of Medicine (2015), young adults and teenagers often misuse prescription stimulants in an effort to enhance their academic performance and improve their grades. It is widely believed that these drugs can enhance one’s ability to learn. Additionally, prescription stimulants can promote wakefulness and increase focus and attention, but studies have shown that they only improve cognitive abilities in individuals with ADHD. As these drugs can also produce feelings of euphoria, they are often misused for recreational purposes, such as experiencing hallucinations. This euphoria is typically achieved by crushing the pills and either snorting or injecting them. They may also be misused for weight loss or to enhance performance, as they stimulate bodily processes and activities. Research has also found that prescribed stimulants are used to increase sexual desire, particularly among teenagers and young adults who are sexually active and energetic. However, there are several concerns associated with over-the-counter stimulants. These are drugs that are available in smaller doses than prescription medications and do not require a doctor’s approval for purchase. They are generally cheaper than prescription drugs and are readily available in large quantities. The purposes for which these drugs are taken are not as serious as those requiring a doctor’s supervision. However, over-the-counter stimulants have been made easily accessible to the general public, with the expectation that they will be used responsibly without the need for healthcare professional oversight, which has not been the case. Furthermore, there is a growing concern that the over-the-counter stimulant industry is progressing. A study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2014) revealed that over one in five parents believe that over-the-counter drugs are safer to misuse than street drugs and do not discuss the risks of misusing these drugs with their children.


National Institute on Drug Abuse (2014). What are stimulants? Joseph and Sons Print Press.S.

National Library of Medicine. (2015) Methamphetamine overdose, Oxford University Press.