Import products from your e-commerce platform via CSV to easily search and add product links to your posts.   To import products in to your Soldsie dashboard, all you need is a CSV file with the following information (the column headers in the file must be spelled exactly like below, but do not have to be in this order): 

  • SKU
  • URL (required)
  • TITLE (required)

Please note the two required headers.  The other ones are optional.   

To begin importing products, go to Manage–>Products and select the Import Products button in the top right hand corner.  

Next, choose the CSV file you want to import with the mandatory column headers and information for your products and then click Import.   Download a template of the product import CSV here.  

Once we begin importing your products, you can navigate away from this page while we do the work.  You’ll see the status of your import where the “Import Products” button was in the top right hand corner when on the Products tab.   This status bar will turn back in to the “Import Products” button once the import is complete. 

Now you can search and add products to your existing posts or when you’re creating a new one.  

Please note that you can import a new CSV file to update your existing products.   Products with the same SKU will be updated with the most current information on the most recent CSV import.