Soldsie enables use connect to another store on behalf of their sellers. To make this possible, it is a 2 step process.

  1. Request the seller to allow access to his store.
  2. As a seller you can approve the request for access to your store.

Request the seller to allow access to his store

This step allows to send a request the access from the seller. Here’s how:

  1.  Go to the stores tab in the settings tab.( Settings -> General )
  2.  On stores tab click on the Connect Store button in the right corner.
  3. When you click on the Connect Store button a Popup will appear.
  4. Enter the Primary Email of the store you want to link with you store.
  5. Optional: To confirm if you have entered the right email. You can click on Get Store button before connecting.
  6. After entering the store email address in the input box click on the Connect Button.

Once the connect button is clicked, a Confirmation Mail will be sent to the seller of the store.

As a seller you can approve the request for access to your store

To give permission to other seller to access his/her store.

  1. Click on the Confirmation Link that has been sent to you in the mail.Screenshot__6_.png
  2. If the request is valid, a message will appear Store has been Connected Successfully.
  3. Optional: Also you can directly go to your store on clicking the button Go to Store.
    You have successfully given permission to other seller to access your store. Now he/she can manage you store.


Once the seller approves the request for access to his/her store, the store gets listed in your store’s list.Screenshot__10_.png

  • Now you can go to the other stores by clicking on the Go to Store button shown:
  • To remove the store click on the Remove button shown: